Discrimination Law Base
FREE ONLINE LEGAL MANUALS AND CIVIL RIGHTS RESOURCES: To Combat Post-9/11 Backlash, Islamophobia, and Racism.
FREE ONLINE LEGAL MANUALS AND CIVIL RIGHTS RESOURCES: To Combat Post-9/11 Backlash, Islamophobia, and Racism.

Selected List of Pending and Resolved Cases Alleging Religious and National Origin Discrimination Involving the Muslim, Sikh, Arab, Middle Eastern and South Asian Communities
(As of January 2016)
JBS Swift & Co. - Greeley, Colorado (PXDO) filed 8/30/10 - Defendant failed to accommodate a class of Muslim workers' need to pray at sundown, particularly during Ramadan, and disciplined and discharged Muslim workers because of religion, national origin (Somali) and in retaliation for requesting an accommodation. Defendant also created a hostile work environment based on religion, national origin, and race (Black).
Jetstream (PXDO) filed 8/30/13 - Defendant subjected female Muslim employees and applicants to discrimination in hiring and terms and conditions of employment. Defendant did not accommodate their religious beliefs, discharged them and retaliated against those who complained of discrimination.
Half Shell Inn, Inc. d/b/a Rotten Ralphs (PHDO) filed 7/7/15 - Defendant, a restaurant, failed to accommodate Charging Party's religion (Islam) when it refused to allow her to wear a khimar (head scarf) during Ramadan and when it discharged her because of her religion.
United Parcel Service - (NYDO) filed 7/15/15 - Defendant failed to provide religious accommodations to its appearance policy, failed to hire, failed to promote, and segregated into certain positions Muslim employees whose religious beliefs conflict with the appearance policy.
FY 2016
Star Transport (CDO) filed 5/29/2013, resolved 10/19/15 ($240,000 jury verdict) - Two Charging Parties, truck drivers, were not provided religious accommodations and were discharged because of their religion (Islam). Charging Parties did not want to transport alcohol.
National Tire & Battery (CDO) filed 6/26/15, resolved 10/19/15 ($22,000) - Defendant, an operator of auto service centers, subjected Charging Party, a mechanic, to harassment because of his religion (Islam), and national origin (Arab and Palestinian).
FY 2015
Abercrombie & Fitch (SLDO) filed 9/29/09, resolved 7/27/15 ($44,653.53) - Charging Party (teen) is Muslim. She was not hired by Defendant because she wore a headscarf (hijab) to her interview. After the Supreme Court ruled in EEOC's favor and returned the case to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, defendant dismissed its appeal of the district court judgment, and paid a total of $44,653.53, of which amount $25,670.53 was provided to the Charging Party for back pay and interest, and the remainder was provided to EEOC for costs.
Shadescrest Healthcare Center (BIDO) filed 6/30/14, voluntary dismissal - Defendant denied Charging Party, a certified nursing assistant, the reasonable accommodation of allowing her to wear her headscarf (hijab) while working and discharged her because of her religion (Islam).
Wal-Mart (PHDO) filed 9/12/13, resolved 6/12/15 ($75,000) - Defendant subjected Charging Party to harassment ("Muslims are terrorists and blow things up") because of his religion (Islam) and national origin (Gambia) and also retaliated against him for complaining of his treatment.
FY 2014
Rizza Cadillac (CHDO) filed 9/18/13, resolved 6/24/14 ($100,000) - Defendant subjected three Charging Parties (sales staff) to harassment ("sand n*****," "terrorist," and "Hezbollah") because of their religion (Islam) and national origin (Arab).
McDonald's Corporation (LADO) filed 12/19/13, resolved12/20/13 ($50,000) - Defendant refused to accommodate Charging Party's Islamic religious beliefs that he be permitted to wear a beard at work as a crew trainer.
Bo-Cherry, Inc. d/b/a Bojangles (CTDO) filed 4/4/13, resolved 12/3/13 ($11,000) - Defendant did not provide Charging Party with a religious accommodation (permit him to wear his religious beard in a food prep position) and discharged him because of his religion (Islam).
MCM Elegante (PXDO) filed 9/21/11, resolved 11/15/13 ($100,000) - Defendant, hotel chain, failed to accommodate Charging Party's religion (Islam).
Tri-County Lexus (NYDO) filed 9/28/10, resolved 11/12/13 ($50,000) - Charging Party is a Sikh. He was denied the reasonable accommodation of wearing a beard and denied hire as a sales associate because of his religion.
JBS Swift & Co. - Grand Island, Nebraska (SLDO) filed 8/30/10, resolved 10/11/13 (judgment for Defendant) - Defendant failed to accommodate a class of Muslim workers' need to pray at sundown, particularly during Ramadan, and disciplined and discharged many Muslim workers because of religion, national origin (Somali) and in retaliation for requesting an accommodation. Defendant also created a hostile work environment based on religion, national origin, and race (Black).
FY 2013
Abercrombie & Fitch d/b/a Hollister (SFDO) filed 6/27/11, resolved 9/19/13 ($48,000) - Charging Party is Muslim. Defendant refused to accommodate Charging Party's religion by permitting her to wear a headscarf (hijab) and discharged her.
Abercrombie & Fitch (SFDO) filed 9/1/10, resolved 9/19/13 ($23,000) - Charging Party is Muslim. She was denied a reasonable accommodation (hijab) and denied hire into a stockroom position because of her religion.
Spitzer Autoworld (PHDO) filed 5/30/08, resolved 9/12/13 ($100,000) - Charging Party was subjected to harassment and constructively discharged because of his national origin(Lebanon) and religion(Druze). The harassment included derogatory references ("habeebies" and "terrorists") regarding people from the Middle East.
Swift Aviation Group (PXDO) filed 9/4/12, resolved July 24, 2013 ($50,000) - Defendant, an aeronautical services company, located at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport subjected Charging Party to harassment ("I don't know why we don't just kill all them towelheads" and derogatory jokes about terrorists and Arabs) because of his national origin (Turkish/Palestinian) and religion (Islam) which resulted in his constructive discharge after defendant failed to stop the harassment.
ABM Security Services (PHDO) filed 7/18/12, resolved 7/22/13($65,000) - Defendant, private security firm, refused to provide Charging Party (Muslim) with the religious accommodation of permitting her to wear a headscarf (khimar) with her uniform and terminated her because of her religion.
UPS (SFDO) filed 9/11/12, resolved 5/31/13 (voluntary dismissal) - Charging Party is an Arab Muslim. He worked for defendant as a loader/unloader and alleges he was subjected to harassment (referred to as "terrorist," "al Qaeda," and "Osama Bin Laden"), and to retaliatory harassment and terms and conditions of employment (increased scrutiny and strenuous work assignments) after he complained of his treatment.
Sierra Pacific (SFDO) filed 6/25/08, resolved 10/23/12 ($95,000) - Charging Party was harassed ("Osama," "camel jockey" and "Saddam"), discharged and retaliated against because of national origin(Egyptian).
FY 2012
Scully Transportation (LADO) filed 9/29/11, resolved 9/27/12 ($630,000) - Defendant, a contract carriage company, discriminated against three Charging Parties (East Indian, Hispanic, Black and perceived Muslim). The Charging Party of East Indian origin was referred to as "Taliban" and "camel jockey."
Fremont Toyota (SFDO) filed 8/23/11, resolved 8/3/12 ($400,000) - Defendant subjected Afghani employees to national origin harassment and constructive discharge and discharged an Afghani manager who opposed the harassment.
Morningside House of Ellicott City (PHDO) filed 9/26/11, resolved 8/6/2012 ($25,000) - Defendant, an assisted living facility, refused to hire Charging Party (Muslim) because she refused to remove a headscarf she wore for religious reasons.
Four Points Sheraton (PXDO) filed 6/9/10, resolved 5/4/12 ($50,000) - Charging Party is Iraqi. He was subjected to harassment (called "camel jockey") because of his national origin and was constructively discharged.
Autozone (NYDO) filed 9/28/10, resolved 3/29//12 ($75,000) - Charging Party is a Sikh. After converting to the Sikh religion, he was harassed, denied the reasonable accommodations of wearing a turban and a kara (slave bangle) for his sales associate position and discharged in retaliation for complaining of discrimination.
Rugo Stone (CTDO) filed 8/30/11, resolved 3/6/12 ($40,000) - Defendant subjected an assistant project manager to harassment based on national origin (Pakistani), religion (Islam), and color (brown).
Kaze Japanese Steakhouse (CTDO) filed 9/7/10, resolved 1/26/12 ($4000) - Charging Party converted to Islam. She was denied the reasonable accommodation of wearing a headscarf (hijab) and discharged from her servicer position because of her religion.
Imperial Security (PHDO) filed 9/16/10, resolved 11/22/11 (($50,000) - Charging Party is Muslim. She was denied the reasonable accommodation of being allowed to wear her khimar at work and discharged from her security guard position because of her religion. Other Muslim employees were also denied accommodations.
FY 2011
Monocle Restaurant (CTDO) filed 4/14/10, resolved 5/16/11 ($35,000) - Charging Parties, two waiters, were harassed because of their religion (Islam) and national origins (Palestinian and Moroccan).
GoDaddy Software (PXDO) filed 9/30/04, jury verdict 12/15/06 ($390,000), reduced on 4/9/07 to$241,708), affirmed on appeal to 9th Circuit (9/10/09), en banc rehearing denied 12/16/09, resolved 3/24/11 ($286,791) - Charging Party was denied a sales supervisor position and discharged because of his national origin (Moroccan) and religion (Islam) and because he complained about national origin and religious discrimination.
The Sahara Hotel and Casino (LADO) filed 7/30/09, resolved 12/7/10 ($100,000) - Charging Party, an Egyptian kitchen employee, was subjected to harassing comments ("Bin Laden," Taliban," and "go back to Egypt") and graffiti from a coworker because of his national origin and was retaliated against with write-ups and suspensions after he complained about the harassment.
LAZ Parking (ATDO) filed 5/7/10, resolved 11/16/10 ($46,000) - Charging Party was denied a reasonable accommodation (wearing a hijab) and discharged because of her religion(Islam) .
Gold'n Plump Poultry and The Work Connection (CHDO) filed 9//9/08, resolved 3/31/09 ($365,000 - - $215,000 from Gold'n Plump and $150,000 from The Work Connection), Conclusion of claims process 10/1/10 ($150,000 (WC) and $218,110 (GNP)) - Defendants, a chicken processing company and an employment agency, denied Muslim employees religious accommodations for prayer breaks, required signing of forms that individuals will work with pork products and disciplined or terminated employees who prayed at work and refused to refer employees because of religion.
FY 2010
White Lodging Services Corp. (INDO) filed 7/4/06, resolved 7/21/10 ($40,000) - Defendant, a Marriott hotel, did not hire four Muslim women for housekeeping jobs because the women wore religious head coverings.
Heartland Employer Services (HCR Manor Health Care Services) (SFDO) filed 2/28/08, resolved 6/7/10 ($30,000) - Defendant, a nursing home, denied a Sikh from wearing a kirpan, a small, dull ceremonial knife worn by Sikhs as a religious symbol. Charging Party was also constructively discharged.
Pace Services (HDO) filed 9/29/08, resolved 4/20/10 (($122,500) - Charging Party is a Muslim of East Indian national origin. He was employed as a truck driver and was subjected to harassing comments ("Taliban," "Al-Queda," and "terrorist") from his coworkers and supervisor, and was discharged.
Ivy Hall Assisted Living (ATDO) filed 9/30/08, resolved 1/28/10 ($43,000) - Charging Party, a housekeeper, was denied a religious accommodation to wear a traditional religious head covering, a hijab, and was discharged for violating defendant's dress code.
New Community Corporation (NYDO) filed 9/28/07, resolved 1/25/10 ($25,000) - Charging Party, a part-time Muslim security officer, was denied a religious accommodation not to contribute to a Catholic charity and was discharged in retaliation for filing a charge of discrimination complaining that he was suspended and removed from the work schedule because he did not want to contribute to the charity.
HCR Manor Health Care Services (INDO) filed 8/30/07, resolved 12/18/09 ($15,000) - Defendant, a healthcare facility, denied Charging Party, a Sikh, the religious accommodation of wearing a kirpan, a small, dull ceremonial knife she wore as a religious symbol, and then discharged her because of her religious practice.
Sunbelt Rentals (CTDO) filed 9/17/04, resolved 10/9/09 ($64,641) - Charging Party, a Muslim manager, was subjected to harassment from coworkers about being a terrorist, his timecards were tampered with and his business cards were thrown out. He was also disciplined and discharged for complaining about his treatment.
FY 2009
The Geo Group (PHDO) filed 9/27/07, summary judgment to defendant 5/18/09, affirmed on appeal 10/12/10 - Charging Party, a Muslim nurse in a correctional institution, was denied a reasonable accommodation to defendant's dress code for her religious headdress and was terminated for violating the dress code.
Southern Hills Medical Center (MEDO) filed 9/28/07, resolved 4/28/09 ($70,000) - Defendant, a hospital, failed to grant a Muslim medical technician a 3-week leave of absence for a pilgrimage to Mecca, resulting in Charging Party's discharge.
Eastland Park Hotel (NYDO) filed 9/26/07, verdict for Defendant on 2/26/09 (no appeal) - Defendant, a hotel, did not provide a religious accommodation for a Muslim housekeeping employee to perform daily prayers.
Champion Security Services (DADO) filed 6/26/08, resolved 1/21/09 ($24,000) - Defendant, a security firm, refused to accommodate and refused to hire Charging Party, a Sikh security guard, because of his religious practices of wearing a beard and turban.
Starlight Lounge (SFDO) filed 8/16/06, resolved 1/13/09 ($41,000) - Defendant, a restaurant, failed to promote and constructively discharged Charging Party, a server, because of race(Black) and religion (Islam).
Merrill Lynch (NYDO) filed 6/26/07, resolved 1/6/09 ($1,550,000) - Defendant, an international financial services firm, refused to promote and discharged Charging Party because of national origin(Iran) and religion(Islam).
National Wholesale Liquidators (NYDO) filed 6/21/07, resolved 10/23/08 ($255,000) - Charging Parties, South Asian employees, were subjected to religious, racial and ethnic taunts and at least one female worker was sexually harassed and subjected to discrimination on the basis of her religion (Sikh) when her manager told her to remove her religious headdress because she "would appear sexier without it."
Outside Unlimited (PHDO) filed 9/26/07, resolved 10/23/08 ($75,000) - Charging Party, an Egyptian Muslim landscaping department head, was denied a religious accommodation to leave work two hours early on Friday for religious observance, was subjected to religious and ethnic slurs ("raghead" and "sand n*****") and was discharged in retaliation for complaining of discrimination.
Project Group of Illinois (CHDO) filed 3/29/07, resolved 10/9/08 ($25,000) - Charging Party, a Palestinian Muslim, was subjected to derogatory remarks about her head covering and was referred to as a terrorist.
Kelly Services (CHDO) filed 9/26/07, summary judgment to Defendant 10/9/08, affirmed on appeal 3/25/10 - Defendant, a temporary firm, did not hire Charging Party, a Muslim applicant, for a printing press job when the applicant refused to remove her religious head covering.
FY 2008
Chriskoll d/b/a Burger King (PHDO) filed 3/21/06, resolved 12/3/07 ($16,150) - Charging Party is a Muslim and was hired by defendant as a food handler. Defendant refused to provide Charging Party with a religious accommodation for his beard and discharged him after Charging Party refused to comply with defendant's appearance policy.
Client Services, Inc. (SLDO) filed 9/12/07, resolved 4/1/08 ($65,000) - Charging Party is Muslim and wears a headscarf for religious reasons. Defendant refused to accommodate and discharged Charging Party from her part-time position for wearing the headscarf.
Specialty Restaurants/Monterey Hill Banquets (LADO) filed 9/25/06, resolved 5/13/08 ($625,000) - This class sexual harassment case included a claim that a Middle Eastern catering sales manager was referred to as "Taliban" and told to stop watching "Al-Zereh television."
Folks, Inc. (ATDO) filed 12/18/07, resolved 5/19/08 ($40,000) - Defendant refused to provide Charging Party with an accommodation for the religious head covering she wore and rescinded its job offer to her because of religion (Islam).
NCL America (LADO) filed 8/22/06, resolved 6/3/08 ($785,000) - Charging Parties are Yemeni Muslims who worked in low level jobs on a cruise ship. After receiving a report that an Arab employee "was expressing dissatisfaction with Americans," Defendant asked the FBI to investigate Charging Parties. Defendant discharged Charging Parties as "security risks" before the FBI completed its investigation, which found they were not "security risks."
FY 2007
Maersk (CTDO) filed 9/30/05, resolved 10/3/06 ($20,000) - Charging Party worked for a private shipping company as a sailor. He alleges that he was subjected to comments ("terrorist" and "camel jockey") and was not rehired by defendant because of his national origin(Yemeni).
Mid-State Petroleum d/b/a The Pop Shop (CTDO) filed 9/28/06, resolved 3/4/07 ($40,000) - Charging Party is Muslim and was not hired as a clerk in a convenience store because her religious head covering violated defendant's dress code.
AAA Parking (ATDO) filed 9/21/06, resolved 6/7/07 ($29,500) - Charging Party is Muslim. She was fired from her cashier job after showing up to work wearing a head covering in recognition of the religious holiday of Ramadan.
Alamo Rent A Car (PXDO) filed 9/27/02, jury verdict 6/11/07 ($287,640) - Charging Party is Muslim. She was denied a reasonable accommodation when defendant refused to permit her to cover her head during Ramadan. She was then disciplined, suspended and discharged.
AutoNation (CHDO) filed 12/8/05, resolved 6/18/07 ($53,750) - Charging Party, a Turkish Muslim finance manager at a car dealership, was subjected to derogatory comments ("bomb thrower," "camel f*****," "Turkish piece of s***," "turban jockey" and "towel head") because of his national origin, race, and religion.
Regency Health Associates (ATDO) filed 9/28/05, resolved 8/1/07 (unfavorable court order) - Charging Party is Muslim. She was not accommodated and was discharged from her medical assistant job because her head covering did not conform to defendant's dress code.
NIBCO, Inc. (DADO) filed 9/27/06, resolved 8/10/07 ($25,000) - Charging Party is Turkish and observes the Islamic religion. He was subjected to post 9/11 harassment ("terrorist" and "Osama bin Laden's nephew").
Sheffield Financial (CTDO) filed 10/11/06, resolved 8/21/07 ($20,000) - Charging Party is Egyptian. He was hired by defendant and was still in his orientation period when defendant discharged him because of his accent.
Omni Hotels (DADO) filed 8/16/04, resolved 9/26/07 (unfavorable court order) - Charging Party is an Arab Muslim. He was employed by defendant as the general manager of a hotel. After 9/11, his responsibilities were reduced, and after complaining to defendant, he was discharged.
FY 2006
Sabic Americas (HDO) filed 9/29/05, resolved 11/1/05 ($255,000) - Charging Party is Syrian. She was discharged after complaining that her wages were lower than other employees because of her national origin and gender.
Burger King (NYDO) filed 3/29/04, resolved 11/23/05 (unfavorable court order) - Defendant discharged five Arab American employees after 9/11.
Rite-Aid Pharmacy, #1411 (PHDO) filed 7/22/03, resolved 12/14/05 (unfavorable court order) - Charging Party is Muslim. She was terminated after requesting time off for religious purposes.
Specialty Publishing Company (CHDO) filed 5/2/05, resolved 2/1/06 ($12,500) - Charging Party is an Indian Muslim. He was subjected to harassment (accused of disrespecting females, excessive monitoring) and discharged.
Lithia Subaru of Oregon City (SFDO) filed 9/24/05, resolved 3/7/06 ($360,000) - Charging Party is an Iranian Muslim. He was harassed ("terrorist" and "camel jockey") and constructively discharged.
Kempsville Building Materials (CTDO) filed 9/29/05, resolved 4/13/06 ($7,000) - Charging Party is Iranian and observes the Islamic religion. He was subjected to harassment ("terrorist" and jokes about bombs), unequal terms and conditions of employment, unequal wages and constructively discharged.
FY 2005
Applied Graphics Technologies (NYDO) filed 9/30/03, resolved 10/13/04 (injunctive relief) - Charging Party is Lebanese. He was falsely accused of inappropriate comments and unprofessional conduct and was suspended and discharged.
Worcester Art Museum (NYDO) filed 9/30/02, resolved 10/21/04 ($60,000) - Charging Party is an Afghan American Muslim. He was fired from his job as a security guard after 9/11 when one of his coworkers reported him to the FBI as a suspected terrorist.
Bechtel (PHDO) filed 9/30/03, resolved 12/8/04 ($90,000) - Charging Party is Iraqi. He was subjected to harassment ("Arab") and told go back where he came from. He futilely complained to defendant officials about the conduct and was terminated.
Norwegian American Hospital (CHDO) filed 4/7/03, resolved 1/24/05 ($40,000) - Charging Party is Islamic. She was subjected to comments about her religious beliefs from her manager. After she complained, the comments intensified, and she was disciplined and discharged.
Trans State Airlines (STDO) filed 7/17/05, resolved 2/9/05 (unfavorable court order) - Charging Party is an Islamic Fijian Pacific Islander. He was discharged from his position as a co-pilot a week after 9/11.
Pesce (HDO) filed 7/10/03, resolved 3/3/05 ($150,000) - Charging Party is Egyptian. He worked for defendant as a general manager of a restaurant. Shortly after 9/11, defendant's owner began making derogatory comments to Charging Party that he "could pass" for Hispanic and that he should change his name to something Latin. He was fired after the owner linked Charging Party's Egyptian name and physical appearance to a decline in business after 9/11.
Smith's Food & Drug (PXDO) filed 9/29/04, resolved 4/21/05 ($15,000) - Charging Party worked for defendant as a pharmacy assistant. He was subjected to derogatory comments relating to 9/11 (Al Qaeda, questions about bomb-making) because of his national origin (Middle Eastern, Iranian). After complaining about the harassment, Charging Party was discharged.
Koch Performance Asphalt (LADO) filed 5/27/05, resolved 5/27/05 ($200,000) - Charging Party is Pakistani. He was harassed ("Mr. bin Laden" and "terrorist") and constructively discharged.
The Plaza Hotel (NYDO) filed 9/30/03, resolved 6/7/05 ($525,000) - Charging Parties are a class of Muslim, Arab, and South Asian employees. They were subjected to harassment ("Osama," "Taliban," "terrorist," and "dumb Muslim").
Oberto Sausage Company (SFDO) filed 1/5/05, resolved 7/1/05 ($362,000) - Charging Parties are Muslim and were denied reasonable accommodations to take breaks for religious observances and discharged because of religion.
Russell Enterprises d/b/a McDonalds (CTDO) filed 2/5/05, resolved 8/5/05 ($25,000) - Charging Party is Islamic. He was denied a religious accommodation to defendant's requirement that he be clean shaven.
Streater-Smith Honda (HDO) filed 8/25/04, resolved 8/31/05 (unfavorable court order) - Charging Party is an Indian Muslim. After 9/11, coworkers and supervisors began to refer to Charging Party as "Taliban." His complaints were dismissed and he was discharged.
Sako Corporation (SFDO) filed 9/16/04, resolved 9/30/05 ($1,087,337 default judgment) -Charging Parties were not hired because of national origin, Arab, Afghan, or Middle Eastern.
FY 2004
Cannon and Wendt (PXDO) filed 9/27/02, resolved 10/24/03 ($25,000) - Charging Party is Muslim. He was denied an accommodation for daily prayer breaks.
SOS Security Company (PHDO) filed 9/12/01, resolved 3/9/04 ($7000) - Charging Party was discharged because of his religion (Islam).
Tatley Grund, Inc. (SFDO) filed 9/30/03, resolved 3/22/04 ($35,500) - Charging Party is Iraqi. He was hired by defendant as a laborer and was subjected to harassment ("Saddam Hussein," "camel eater," and "terrorist") from his coworkers. After complaining, he was given difficult and demeaning assignments and was discharged.
Sequa Corporation d/b/a Chromalloy Castings (MMDO) filed 9/30/02, resolved 3/31/04 ($52,000) - Charging Party is Palestinian. He was discharged days after 9/11.
White Auto Sales d/b/a Fairfield Toyota (SFDO) filed 4/1/02, resolved 4/1/04 ($550,000) - Charging Parties were harassed ("the bin Laden gang," "sand n******," "terrorists," and "camel jockeys"), discharged and/or constructively discharged because of their national origin (Afghan) and religion (Islam).
Aargus Security Systems (CHDO) filed 8/12/03, resolved 5/2/04 ($70,000) - Charging Party is from Jordan. After 9/11, he was disciplined, suspended and reassigned.
Airgas Carbonic (PHDO) filed 9/29/03, resolved 6/3/04 (unfavorable court order) - Charging Party was discharged because of his national origin(Palestine).
Poggenphol U.S. (NYDO) filed 8/19/03, resolved 7/2/04 ($162,500) - Charging Party is an Egyptian Muslim. She was harassed ("Mrs. Osama bin Laden") by a coworker and was terminated in retaliation for complaining of her treatment.
Amycel Spawnmate (PHDO) filed 7/13/04, resolved 9/14/04 ($152,500) - Charging Party was harassed ("terrorist" and "Osama bin Laden") by his supervisor because of his national origin (Middle Eastern) and then discharged in retaliation for complaining of his treatment.
Alamo Rent A Car (ATDO) filed 9/2/2003, resolved 9/15/04 (voluntary dismissal) - Charging Parties are Muslim. They were denied hire because of the traditional dress they wore.
FY 2003
Brookdale Living Communities of Texas (DADO) filed 9/27/02, resolved 3/5/03 ($15,000) - Charging Party was discharged because of religion(Islam).
The Herrick Corporation d/b/a Stockton Steel (SFDO) filed 1/18/00, resolved 3/18/03 ($1.11 million) - Four Charging Parties were hassled during their daily Muslim prayer obligations, mocked because of their traditional dress and repeatedly called "camel jockey" and "raghead" based on their national origin (Pakistani) and religion (Islam).
FY 2002
Motorola, Inc. (CHDO) filed 9/28/01, resolved 1/10/02 ($60,000) - Defendant refused to provide a religious accommodation to 2 Muslim customer service representatives who needed to leave work for a short time on Friday afternoons to attend prayers at a Mosque and discharged the employees.
American Airlines (CDO) filed 8/28/02, resolved 9/3/02 ($60,000) - Defendant did not hire Charging Party and a class of female Muslim applicants as passenger service agents because their religion (Islam) required them to wear head coverings.